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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where will the meetings be held?
    We'll announce this nearer the time.
  • How much does the Convention cost to attend?
    We want the Convention to be open to everyone. Each year ee have different options on our booking page - a full admission ticket that reflects the cost, as well as a ticket by donation. If you can afford to, we would be grateful if you could purchase a full price ticket option. If you are able to donate more, to allow us to provide admission to someone who can’t pay, please also use the ‘weekend admission (by donation)’ option. If the admission cost would prevent you from attending, please instead donate what you are able to using the ‘weekend admission(by donation)’ - we would be blessed to have you join us. This admission gives you access to every talk, seminar and session during the weekend. Please note - accommodation is not included in this ticket - please use the add-on tickets for accommodation options. Further accommodation options also available nearby through other providers.
  • What are the parking provisions?
    We have parking available for camping and camping pod guests (1 car per tent/pod). We also have parking available for 100 cars in the main Badaguish car park. The access road to Badaguish is narrow, and there will be marshals helping cars access the site at key times. Alternative forms of transport are encouraged (there are many amazing cycle tracks around the site).
  • Is there a crèche?
    We will have a crèche set up for children under 4, near to the main session. Parents will need to stay with their children, but we will have worship and teaching available through a PA system for those in crèche to listen into.
  • What are the plans for children’s and youth work?
    We will be providing sessions for children aged from 4-16. Primary school-aged children's work will be provided in the mornings by Out of the Box, Inverness. Secondary school age children will join in the main sessions for a portion of the worship, then have youth work sessions during the main talks and workshops.
  • Can I volunteer to help?
    We would be very grateful for any volunteer help, as it takes a lot of work to get the Convention running smoothly. If you’d be interested in volunteering for our site team or youth work team, please check out our Volunteer With Us page, or email us on We will provide volunteers with accommodation and food during the weekend.
  • What do I do when I arrive at the Convention?
    When you arrive at the Convention, check in with our site team, who will be more than happy to show you around and get you settled. If you are camping or staying in a camping pod, we will help you find your site so you can get set up.
  • Can I bring my dog?
    Sorry – but for safety reasons, only assistance dogs are allowed at the Convention.
  • What food and drink can be purchased at the Convention?
    On the first night we will be offering a free BBQ to get everyone together to start the Convention! For the rest of the weekend, you will be able to to buy lunches and hot food options from nearby venues. If you are camping, you are also welcome to prepare your own food onsite. Due to Fire Risk restrictions in the National Park, only gas cooking appliances are allowed. Please do not bring disposable BBQs onsite.
  • What disability parking is available?
    Reserved disability parking will be available close to the main meeting venue. If you require disabled parking, please let us know when booking your Convention tickets.
  • How else can I support the Cairngorms Convention?
    We are so grateful for any support for the Cairngorms Convention. As well as volunteering, the other two ways to help support us are through prayer and giving. We are having monthly Zoom prayer meetings in the run-up to the Convention. Email to be added to the prayer list for regular updates. If you would like to give financial help, we would be very grateful – please visit our Donate page.
  • How do I book or register for the Cairngorms Convention?
    There are many different bookings options available, including separate passes for the whole weekend, for single days, and for different accommodation options.
  • Who is leading the sung worship at the Convention?
    We'll announce this nearer the time.
  • What meetings will be accessible for disabled guests?
    We are very pleased to announce that our Morning and Evening Gatherings will be accessible to deaf and hard of hearing guests through a sign-language interpreter. The Badaguish Outdoor Centre meeting spaces are also all accessible by wheelchair. If any assistance is required, or if there is any way we can make your time at the Convention more accessible, please just let one of the site team know.
  • Can you help me find accommodation?
    We have accommodation available onsite – camping and camping pods can be booked via our booking page. There are also many accommodation providers, such as hotels and bed & breakfasts nearby. Please see our Helpful Info page for links to some of our accommodation partners.
  • Who is speaking at the Convention?
    Our morning Bible teacher will be Jeremy McQuoid, and Jonathan Lamb is our opening preacher on Friday evening. Please check out our Speakers page for further details of our workshop speakers.
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